The ZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie writes out the world’s first AppArtAward. The ZKM – Center for art and media technology writes out the world’s first AppArtAward. The best works of art in app format, characterized as advanced artistic applications and/or technically outstanding software solutions will be awarded. Together with CAS Software AG, the CyberForum e.V., with the partners of MFG Baden-Wurttemberg, innovation Agency for IT and media, and GFT Technologies AG makes the ZKM on July 8, 2011 for the first time international AppArtAward 2011 participate can software and artists, as well as all app-fans with creative and innovative applications. Praised the following award categories: technical innovation prize of EUR 10,000 of MFG Baden-Wurttemberg, innovation Agency for IT and media artistic innovation award to the value of EUR 10,000 Nachwuchspreis (< 18 years) amounting to EUR 5,000 of GFT Technologies AG will present a selection of the best apps in an exhibition at the ZKM Karlsruhe presented and presented to a wide audience. Single Empire deadline is May 15, 2011 GMT.
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