The soil, subsoil and sobresuelo. 2. ck here. The sea, lakes, rivers, springs, streams and water or hospitality towards living. 3. The mines, quarries and oil deposits. 4. The ships and aircraft. 5. The docks and piers. 6.

The pontoons, platforms and floating buildings. 7. The concessions to operate public services. 8. Mining concessions obtained by individuals. 9. Stations and railway lines and rolling stock affected the service. 10. The registrable property rights in the registry. 11. The other property to which the law gives them that capacity. Article 886 .- Goods furniture is furniture: 1. The land vehicles of any kind. 2. Natural forces can be appropriated. 3. Buildings in the land of another, made for a temporary end. 4. Materials from construction or demolition if they are not attached to the ground. 5. The securities of any class or instruments that record the acquisition of credit or personal rights. 6. The economic rights of authors, inventors, patents, names, trademarks and similar. 7. Income or pension of any kind. 8. Shares that each partner has in companies or associations, although they owned property. 9. Other assets that may be from one place to another. 10. Other assets not included in Article 885. PART II Integral parts and accessories Article 887 .- The concept of integral is an integral part which can not be separated without destroying, damaging or alter the fine. The component parts are not unique rights. Article 888 .- Notion of goods related accessories are the property without losing their individuality, are permanently assigned to an economic or ornamental purpose with respect to other property.