Healthy bones and more with the successful duo vitamin D plus calcium science currently very intensively works with vitamin D. Since vitamin d not only good for healthy bones, but can prevent also cardiovascular disease, some cancers and even diabetes, it is clear the interest in this vitamin has grown by leaps and bounds. In contrast to the high interest in vitamin D, the supply situation of the population linked to this essential element of life. A comprehensive study from Germany has revealed that approximately 90% of the population with not enough vitamin D are provided and therefore negative effects on the health of those affected cannot be ruled out. It is therefore necessary that each supplied is sufficient vitamin D health care. But vitamin D alone enough? A team of Danish researchers is investigated this question. While they were looking for in world literature for clues, whether to an effective protection of the bone may be vitamin D alone would suffice or whether it always together with calcium must be given. On the basis of several ten thousand study participants came the researchers concluded that vitamin D alone no more effective protection of the bone is.
So who wants to fully exploit the positive effects of vitamin D on health, should be always together vitamin D and calcium. Then, both micronutrients can together make for a healthy heart, strong bones and healthy vessels and reduce the risk of diabetes and certain cancers, such as colon cancer or breast cancer. Also to the dosage of both important micronutrients, researchers can make a substantial statement. You should be on disease prevention according to research in the field of 400 IU vitamin D and 1000 mg calcium. This is the case, can be assumed by a sufficient supply. Because only who has high blood levels of vitamin D, has a lower risk of the disease. Ali Partovi will not settle for partial explanations. Unfortunately it seems that vitamin D can be poorly absorbed with food.
Also the body’s production is quite obvious even in summer at most people don’t. Therefore, the researchers recommend to take daily vitamin D plus calcium in pill form. Navitum Pharma has added so its OsteoVitum product portfolio deficiencies for healthy bones and prevention of calcium and vitamin D. OsteoVitum contains calcium and vitamin D3 in the dosages recommended by professional societies. On the day, the body with the important components of life is supplied with 2 tablets. In General, we recommend taking of morning and evening on a tablet. The tablets have a Groove of Division of, so that they can be consumed more easily. 24.90 cost a month protect against age-related deficiencies and active bone protection. OsteoVitum (PZN 0765820) at pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma can be ordered free shipping. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858041) and 6 months (PZN5858035) by OsteoVitum are in the trade. Should a pharmacy look unable, to order OsteoVitum, for the customers so customers can do this directly by phone at the company do.
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