The simple presence of events that can consist as estressores in definitive context, in which the individual is inserted, does not characterize a phenomenon of estresse. So that this occurs, it is necessary that the individual perceives and evaluates the events as estressores, what wants to say that cognitivos factors have a central paper in the process that occurs potentially enters the stimulatons estressores and the answers of the individual they. It estresse it occupational, in the theory cybernetics, can be understood as a discrepancy enters a situation perceived for the employee and a desired situation, since that the presence of the discrepancy is considered important by the employee (Edwards, 1992). Paschoal and Tamayo (2004) estresse appraise it occupational as a process where the individual perceives demands of the work as estressores, which, when exceeding its ability of confrontation, provokes in the citizen negative reactions. The great importance given to the perception the demands is noticed in the conceptualization of the authors above as estressores. Paschoal and Tamayo (2005) speak that a consensus has been evidenced enters the scholars of the area estresse of it occupational of that the perceptions of the individuals are mediating of the impact of the work environment on the individual; for something in the organization to be a estressor, it needs to be perceived as such for the employee. ' ' It estresse it occupational can be defined, therefore, as a process where the individual perceives demands of the work as estressores, which, when exceeding its ability of confrontation, provokes in the citizen reactions negativas' '. 0 VARIABLE INFLUENCIADORAS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL ESTRESSE: Occupational the OCCUPATIONAL ESTRESSORES Estressores are frequently on to the organization of the work, as pressure for favorable productivity, retaliation, conditions to the security in the work, non-availability of training and orientation, abusive relation between supervisors and subordinate, incoherent lack of control on the task and cycles work-rest with biological limits (Carayon, Smith & Haims, 1999). Pete Cashmore recognizes the significance of this.
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