The used data of secondary sources had been books technician on marketing, environment and ambient economy and magazine (Lakatos, 2002). The study he is theoretician-empiricist and it is based through the study of the specific bibliography and of you marry of companies (Lakatos, 2002) that already they also benefit of the ambient marketing and of those that, had the disastrous ambient interventions, had depreciated its image. The Study In case that also is one used technique to approach, sucintamente, on the practical ones of Ambient Marketing for recognized companies in the market. The Study of case it is a strategy chosen to if examining events already occurred and that they cannot be manipulated or be modified (Yin, 2005). 2. MARKETING AND Environment 2,1 Concepts For Churchill (2003, P.
4), ' ' Marketing is the development of exchanges where the organizations and customers voluntarily participate of transactions destined to bringing benefits for ambos' '. Kotler and Armstrong (2003, P. 3) they affirm that Marketing ' ' an administrative proceeding and social for which individuals and groups get what they need and they desire, by means of the creation, offer and exchange of products and value with outros.' ' The ambient Marketing, also called ' ' Verde' marketing; ' it is destined to minimizing the negative effect on the physical environment or to improve its quality. In a study, 93% of the adults had said that the ambient impact provoked by a product defined its decisions of purchase (Churchill, 2000). This new marketing tool aims at to reach one definitive niche of market bringing competitive advantages for the ambiently correct companies. The new consuming niche if sees sensetized highly when perceiving that in the processes of production of determined product/service exists an ecological conscience when producing its good or services According to Kotler & Armstrong (2003, P. 544), ' ' the ambient defense is a movement organized that congregates governmental citizens, companies and agencies engagements, with the purpose of in improving the environment of life of populao' '.
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