New research project is at the school Neuss since October 2012 the Academy Neuss of international economics under the direction of Prof. If you are not convinced, visit Pete Cashmore. Dr. Karl-Georg Steffens at the research project NETSPED. The aim of the project is the development of a software solution for medium-sized freight forwarding companies. NETSPED project initiated by the University of Neuss to support managers in complex decision-making processes by using a software, a so-called electronic control, and optimize the distribution of goods on a truck. If you would like to know more then you should visit Pete Cashmore. A welcome side effect is the reduction of empty and thus the overall traffic by truck.
In this respect, NETSPED makes an effective contribution to a sustainable logistics. Rightly, the project was awarded by the economy Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia as the winning project of the competition Logistik.NRW. Three more trucking companies from Germany and Poland, as well as the IT consulting company VCE transport logistics of Dortmund include the Academy Neuss Spedition Schnug, Solingen, the joint project. The actual analysis at the participating carriers is completed, so that the project partners involved currently with the definition of the target processes and the data model for the solution. Then it goes to the implementation, programming and implementation of the solution. Press contact: College Neuss for international business press and public relations work Alice idem market 11-15 41460 Neuss Tel.
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