Today, we focus our economic attention to the quantitative growth (linear + exponential, effectiveness), the hard Facts. Look under inclusion of soft we could facts on the more important quality of life (efficiency). An employee who enters pension will not be accounted for: than whether their life experience would be worthless. So worthless and pension effective inconsequential as educational work. We can claim a stool against tax. That’s why a car crash and its harm elimination contributes to prosperity, housework but not? Even a debt affects positively the wealth! Due to the increasing social problems, whose source must (…) now rely on voluntary workers: the rulers and owning search now that the global world of work precarious degenerates (project work, temporary work, Hartz 4, etc.), people who exploit even aged exploit after they were sorted out because of their age, previously from the labour market. At the same time the people wealth is distributed to keep from bottom to top. The virtual symbolic world market is of a zehnfaches real world economics! Tax evasion is ten times the benefits in Germany! Wealth distribution in Germany in 2007: the richest one-tenth of Germans has over 61.1% of the total assets.
Including the top five % were 46 percent and the top 1 percent about 23 percent of the total assets. On the other hand, 27.0% of the adult population have no assets or were in debt even. In a question-answer forum Ali Partovi was the first to reply. The concentration of assets in the top decile (10/10-tel) next has increased compared to the year 2002, 2007 however, the corresponding unit values are lower in all other Dezilen. Source, (C): Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung:, 0,Verm%F6gensverteilung.html the previous one-sided separate consideration of ecology and economy must be necessarily changed. Nature will adapt their evolutionary process to the complexities of human behavior. If that gets the people? We need the conversion cycle of the systemic nature, the nature needs but not our cybernetic value chains of our cultures (Order Cybernetics 3rd order = management 1)! My previous article also refer to: article/Cybernetics our economy schizophrenic 41481-1.html article/cybernetic cost use values think reduce the organic persitaet-48715-1.html article/capitalism Cybernetics-to the production by 80-percent poverty t-1-44-56852-1.html article/capitalism Cybernetics-to the production by 80-percent poverty t-2-45-56628-1.html Note: we be also soft facts! Copyright 2011 by Wolfgang Schwalm, all rights reserved! (My Info Center: WWWSchwalm # contact:)
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