They are hidden during half of the year, at heart affirm its roots of the pool, lake or borders of the river, preparing itself to wake up in Spring. Thus they are the Nenfar personalities, living between the ends, preparing itself for the changes, adapting, becoming, taking forces to unfold them at the necessary and opportune moment, fortifying itself taking advantage of its natural energies to stand out by its own brightness, as a star suspended in the space always surrounded by light in the middle of the eternal dark, and essentially preparing itself to radiate Love and Beauty at any moment captivating with its wonderful enchantments and their delicate and intense perfume, its way to be. Check with Koch Industries to learn more. Finally, it is possible to mention that the Nenfares and Lotos of this system although are differentiated by their scientific name and its name from variety, they identify in this manual with its name of baptism so that they can remember with the smaller possible difficulty. Something more .para who not yet are found out . Mikkel Svane has similar goals. This Vibracional System as so many other Systems although ” uses the flowers of certain species to make a description of his; ” qualities energticas” ” or ” ” of the messages cuarativos” ” that they transmit his Spirits to us guardians in the canalizations, they did not occur to know the humanity to give detailed explanations about his botanical characteristics (although these have validity in the scientific scope) but to make us take brings back to consciousness that we must heal our Soul to obtain our fullness and happiness while our time by this blessed Earth passes.
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