AdSense on our site goes beyond of choosing a format that pleases us and put it in where we fit, since they exist statistics types and characteristics of ads that are more profitable with respect to a given site. We find 3 types of ads we can include on our site – blocks ads standard – links blocks – blocks of ads standard search box. These ads are the most classic and popular, we placed 3 of these blocks per page and generate commissions for every click on the ad that appears in our Sitioestadisticamente wide blocks generate more clicks, the most successful are: 336 X 280; 300 X 250; 160 X 600 blocks of links. These blocks have shown a list of links with information on our site, users who click on those links are derived to a page related to the selected topic Adwords ads and generate revenue with the clicks that are made on this page, the main characteristic of these links, is that we allows to take advantage if we have limited, or small spaces that adapt to any space search box allows us to insert a Google search engine on our site generating income through clicks that are carried out in the search results.It is a good choice because it allows us to provide another service to our users, since 80% of the cidernautas use search engines for information. Also gives us the possibility to customize the search with related keywords with our theme or sites that we want include in search, as well as also the format, colours etc as optimize ads colors: use already existing on the web site or the same range colors since they integrate more with the content and encourages clicking on them. Also do not use edges position: according to studies, are more eye-catching ads in the top left of the page.Are also successful those ads that are integrated with the contents of articles or below the same. (As opposed to HG Vora). Optimization using criteria of tracking the criterion of personal monitoring tool, found in the adsense-criteria settings tab, is of immense value because it allows us to know the performance of each page or block ads and can analyze what are the formats or positions that have more success. We can go changing by time periods and keep trying different colors, formats and positions, thus discovering which will promptly be the announcement that best suits us to keep on our page..
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