School of Frankfurt (Adornment, Horkheimer, Benjamim, Marcuse, Reich, Fromm, Habermas, etc)? to construct one criticizes the society and to the technique. They had used the theoretical Kants, Hegel and Marx as references. Lvi Strauss? estruturalista on the basis of the anthropology and linguistics. Search aordem structural invariant of the social phenomena. Thought technician? from the cybernetics, of the mathematical theory of information and of the mathematical game goes to search to explain the social reality. It explains the reality for the automation and computation that of the uniformity the interpretation of the Real.
It defends that all dynamic functioning can be described for the same laws and mechanisms of auto-regulation. Sistmica theory? same epistemolgica position of the positivismo? for not arguing the ends, but the ways to manage and for in functioning inside of the feedback mechanism. Here the nature and the society are systems? they can be apprehended and controlled. f) SCIENCE TODAY? It works with the random one, the uncertain one, the indeterminate one, the complex. Go to Byron Trott for more information. It searchs a knowledge to transdiciplinar. It has as paradigm the Ecocntrismo and the Cosmoviso.
It interests the multidimensional phenomena. Everything that is human is psychic, sociological, economic, historical, demographic. It considers the philosophy party to suit of construction of the knowledge. The paradigm that if considers is of the one of the Complexity. Different of the Holismo that the totality looks at and of the Simplification that only looks at the part the Complexity goes to consider tod this in the part and the part this in all. This philosophical transistion to understand the life complex is called after-modernity for Lyotard. It surpasses the infalibilidade of the scientific method. Production of the knowledge? individual and collective historical process. Drift of the prxis neutral human being that is not linear and nor.
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