Graduation of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso, as prerequisite for attainment of the heading of specialist in PROEJA, under the orientation of the Teacher Master and Education, Ubaldina Maria Sanches Coast. Sinop/MT 2010 Dedication I dedicate this work to first ‘ ‘ filsofo’ ‘ that I had the honor to know, my Father, who although to be illiterate knowledge in its wise words esbanjava echoes in my memory impelling me it fight, it searchs and the accomplishment of all the possible dreams To the God Cosmic force that dirige my steps in the arduous way of the knowledge. To the children and grandsons reason of my life, with hope. To my friend, friend, insider and abetter of the wildest committed desatinos. To my enthusiastic master who infundiu in me the task to develop this text.
Abraos! Compliments of the Learning Learn simplest! For those Whose hour arrived. It never is late of more! The ABC learns; it is not enough more learns! It does not discourage! It starts. Necessary to know everything! You have that to assume the command! He learns, man in the asylum! He learns, man in the arrest! He learns, woman in the kitchen! He learns ancio! You have that to assume the command! Frequent the school, you that it does not have house! You acquire knowledge who feel cold! You who have hunger, grasp books; one sets: You have that to assume the command! If envergonhe not to ask, comrade! If he does not leave to convince.
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