Extrabajadores Google engineers created a new search engine for the internet that promises much, but that is in its infancy, between the points to highlight is its speed, its different appearance with black background and the way in which yields results in multiple columns at the same time. Try it and draw your own conclusions.Here I leave you the link to the page principalCuil. The truth is that you must give the competition so it will result in better opportunities for the cybernauta. Sunday, December 21, 2008 RSS and FEED the way of conceiving the navigation through the network, has changed and is that today there still are many people seeking information from the old form when almost all websites have followed the movement of unionization which is abbreviated RSS and it comes to provoke rather than seek information without rhyme nor are, this travel towards us as news at the speeds immediately when each page to which we subscribed update your information. It is obvious that this brings a series of implications as direct competition with the subscription that the webmaster promote to your site through forms and lists mail mechanism less agile but however they still have validity and it is popular, by promotion independent and earnings economics which generate for the websmasters. There are several ways that explain the process but today the tutorials that offer specialized video sites such as youtube and metacafe are as grounds gold for whom this developed some project on the internet or simply you want to find a way more easy to each process. To read more related articles you can visit the following link that you can copy and paste into your browser.
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