The Advisor to the highly gifted for the German-speaking Europe see gifted children and promote public interest for giftedness has increased, the former “niche”function is crumbling, and the topic is dealt with more successful and more consciously. Good for all concerned, important for all interested parties. It eventually always comes about that a child experiencing his childhood happy and mentally healthy. Many parents, educators and teachers notice none of the highly gifted of child but, because their level of knowledge about this phenomenon is not sufficient. As a result, uncertainties and sometimes fears to meet are often in dealing with such children among adults. However, information deficit, confusion, and excessive demands must not be. Imagine the challenge of giftedness, there are numerous sources for knowledge acquisition and knowledge, various guidelines for the proper handling of gifted and often also specific assistance on site, which encourage and open paths. These include: the German company for the gifted child with regional Division Web pages by parents initiatives and chapters to the highly gifted established psychologists with high faculties focus Begabungsdiagnostische counseling centers of many universities, education offices and school psychologists interesting specialized portals and contact addresses a wide range of literature are you curious and seek advice? Then we welcome you like across our”Advisor to the highly gifted for the German-speaking Europe” there know you and others more about: the characteristics of the gifted child as you discovered talents and pedagogically adequately addressed what promotion is ideal where offers of help are available for you we look forward to your visit to our Internet site: upper secondary school teacher Dipl.paed.