Jumpei Iwashita is a young Japanese who, 2005, entered the course of International Culture of the University of Tenri, in Nara, Japan. Beyond studying you discipline on to the area of Sciences Human beings, the course demands that if I will choose a foreign language for study, from as the year of college. It are of the lesson schedule also has diverse extracurricular activities offered the pupils, as the practical one of sport, lessons of music and workshops of arts in general. As soon as it entered the course of International Culture, Jumpei Iwashita chose to practise extracurricular Rgbi as practical. The lessons in the University of Tenri went of 9h of the morning until 16h and the treinos of Rgbi, of 17h to 20h. Beyond the studies, Jumpei worked in the nocturnal period in one cybercafe. For the fact to have an agitated routine and its interests to be more come back to the Rgbi, Jumpei many times slept in the lessons of the course of International Culture.
According to Jumpei, the University of Tenri is an institution that values and stimulates practical esportivas. For this reason, many times the professors did not import when seeing Jumpei and its friends sleeping, since they knew that the reason of the fatigue was due to its agitated routine. In this manner, to follow with the studies was not something very difficult for the Japanese student. The University of Tenri firmed a partnership with the So Paulo State University for the accomplishment of cultural interchange. All year, by means of a selective process, Japanese pupils come to Brazil to study in the campus of the Unesp de Bauru whereas the students of the Unesp, for way also of a selective process, go Japan to study it in the University of Tenri, that is, are an interchange about linguistic-cultural improvement. Beyond the interchange possibility, the Japanese university offers to the students the possibility of if making a cultural trip for Brazil.
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