The Telematics Centre of the postgraduate studies Area consists of a computer consultation for research and academic extension laboratory, equipped with 30 workstations of latest technology, connected permanently to the Internet global network. Created in September of the year 97, since its inception it has remained one of the first in a style and organization, allowing the appropriate use of computing resources existing and resurgent, aimed at achieving improved levels of academic and institutional productivity. Of course, the scenario with which began the postgraduate of Faces, is not the same as at present, since the characteristics of the current Venezuelan scenario, as we have discussed on other occasions much uncertainty, above all, when the current Government has declared Socialist and is committed to instituting this ideology supported the Bolivarian revolution, leading to all this, to appear serious reactions, unhappy, to many Venezuelans who do not trust in this ideology that estimate does not guarantee them development, above all, when this is a clear example of the country which has been taken as a modelspecifically that of Cuba, a country that already has realized its current President Raul Castro and the Communist Committee, which should be more open to the reality of democratic systems, freedoms, proactive economies that generate capital, economic security, commercial activities, productivity. The fact, that faced with this reality, the Venezuelan education, specifically which interest us in this opportunity, senior, graduate, must be renewed, because it has stalled, where many Areas of postgraduate offer various programs in different disciplines are not training, forming professionals than the present requires, otherwise, it is wasting the human talent, has deteriorated significantly the quality, academic excellence. This what we perceive in the Area of graduate of Faces of the University of Carabobo that in recent years, its academic level, has much left to say in where their programs are not up to what the country needs, more to the reality of the scenario that we have described.
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