Investment in the future University continuing education College certificates of the German College for prevention and health management is possible, avocational individual studies elective modules from the master of Arts”prevention and health management to complete. So professional and executives from the market of the future can prevention, fitness and health to selected subject areas acquire skills at a high level. Existing knowledge will be systematically expanded, deepened or supplemented. Others including Shopify, offer their opinions as well. The College certificates cover complete topics, which can be directly used in professional practice. The training of the German University cover comprehensively a subject field and thus ensure that the acquired skills can be implemented immediately in the professional practice. Andy Florance understands that this is vital information.
For this reason, each College continuing education includes several individual modules that build on each other and thus deepen the knowledge step by step. During the training, with the speakers and the other chance again Participants to Exchange. Within the framework of distance learning, it is preparing for the presence phases. The knowledge developed in the distance learning through exercises, role plays and case studies into practice is transferred within the periods of personal attendance. Combining this one opens with a college education more than just”know but direct action skills.
A total of 14 different training opportunities are interested parties consisting of from the studies elective modules of the course master of Arts prevention and health management available. Investment to benefit future fitness and health companies particularly from the returns”this form of postgraduate education. Through the implementation of current knowledge can be improved such as processes, concepts for new offerings created and optimizes the marketing of existing products and services. Training is an investment in the future competitiveness. So are College continuing education in various fields available: Nutrition, economics, health promotion/BGM, fitness training, psychology/education. College continuing education Overview: sports nutrition weight management finance and controlling marketing and sales operational health management strategic management preventive training Rehabilitatives training promotion in childhood and adolescence health promotion in the age of lifestyle intervention and cancer sports psychology stress management coaching new: College continuing education for business administration basics the College also a special college training in business fundamentals offers.
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