Beyond rhyming the first verse with the third and second syllable with seventh of as the verse, Guillermo gave heading to its haicais. Example (GOGA, 1988, P. 49): Histories of some lives Night. A whistle in air, Nobody in the station. the train passes without stopping. The admirers of the importance of kigo respect in its haicais the term or word that indicates the station of the year. Jorge Fonseca Jnior is one of them. Although these distinctions portraied here to exist as current, names as of Afrnio Peixoto, Millr Fernandes, Guillermo de Almeida, Waldomiro Siqueira Jnior, Jorge Fonseca Jnior, Wenceslau de Moraes, Oldegar Vieira, Abel Pereira and Fanny Dupr Luiza are important in the history of haikai in Brazil.
We can detach the poem of Alice Ruiz: end of the day carries open the frog watches a movement Officially marked Brazil, in 1956 inaugurated for Augustus De Campos, Haroldo De Campos and Dcio Pignatari, the movement Brazilian concrete, this had for the most controversial objective, the abolition of the verse and its substitution for ideogramticas structures. Where the poems would be composites for the space organization of words and letters in the paper space, this influenced by the ideas of Ezra Pound. But although this study the movement played role importantssimo in the history of the Haicai in Brazil, it gained space and serious study between the Brazilian intellectuals. Amongst most important we can cite Pablo Leminski, it was influenced by the ideogramticas techniques of the movement concrete how much for the cultivation of years 60, as it had knowledge of Japanese language, it obtained to translate of the original. In years 80 the tear of the Fish published a biography of Bash-, that helped to divulge and to popularize haicai in Brazil.
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